Rapid Tests, Pooltester

Rapid Tests, Pooltester
The Pooltester is designed for the simultaneous determination of the most popular water treatment agents and the pH value. Each pool tester contains tablets in foil for every 20 analyzes and a multilingual user manual.

Item code Manufacturer Name Type Description Measuring range
6205365 151600
Tintometer GmbH
Pooltester chlor/pH AF 105
AF 105 Chlorine LR / pH 0.1-3 mg/l / 6.8-8.2
6900480 156100
Tintometer GmbH
Pool tester H 202/PHMB/PH Biguanide/hydrogen
H 202 Biguanide-PHMB / H2O2 / pH 10-100 mg/l / 5-50 mg/l /6.8-8.2

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