Beer Force-Ageing-Test Bath BFT®5

Beer Force-Ageing-Test Bath BFT®5
We offer special air cooled circulator for the Beer Force-Ageing-Test. It is equipped with a programmer for the change between 0 °C / 40 °C and 0 °C / 60 °C in a 24 hour cycle. Casings and bath parts are made of stainless steel.

Item code Manufacturer Name Type Bath opening (mm) Bath tank depth (mm) Heating capacity (W) Cooling capacity kW at 20 °C Working Temp. range (°C)
9857399 2041.0001.01
Peter Huber Kältemaschinenbau
Refrigerated heating circulator BFT5
BFT®5 350 x 410 270 2000 1.2 -40 ... 80

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